Hope is a pain that never resigns

Home/Personal growth, Poetry/Hope is a pain that never resigns

Hope is a pain that never resigns

I was sure.
I would be drowned.
Too high the waves
Too small the ship
Too far the coast
Too frightened the mind.

There was a smell of end
And was estrange the relief.
Finally stop to despair
To suffer
To fight.

But something inside
Was wriggling in agony
And couldn’t die.
It was hope.
The hope is a pain
That never resigns.

Maria Letizia Del Zompo

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)

By | 2017-07-22T11:44:42+00:00 July 22nd, 2017|Personal growth, Poetry|0 Comments

About the Author:

Sono medico pediatra, ma da qualche tempo ho iniziato quella che chiamo la mia seconda vita e voglio dedicarla allo scrivere, oltre che alla vita stessa.

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