There are people who dress soul

Home/Human relations, Poetry, Reflections/There are people who dress soul

There are people who dress soul

There are people who dress soul
they exude pain, sorrow, hope and joy.
You see them dying for a hostile gesture
and reborn for a sincere smile.
There are people who transpire
nostalgia, sweetness
and the obstinacy to resist
despite everything.
There are those people who
when you meet them
you would like to embrace
and tell them
how beautiful they are
how precious
their presence is.
There are those people who let you say
that it is worth living
it’s worth trying
it’s worth going on
not just for yourself
but because the world
is heart.

Maria Letizia Del Zompo


This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)

By | 2017-07-22T23:35:56+00:00 July 22nd, 2017|Human relations, Poetry, Reflections|0 Comments

About the Author:

Sono medico pediatra, ma da qualche tempo ho iniziato quella che chiamo la mia seconda vita e voglio dedicarla allo scrivere, oltre che alla vita stessa.

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