Landed in Spain – Girona

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Landed in Spain – Girona

Landed in Spain – Girona

And so, following a dream, I arrived in Cordoba, Spain, but I landed in Girona.
I thought that instead of spending four hours on bus in Italy to reach Fiumicino, I could spend five hours on the train in Spain to reach Cordoba.
I stayed in Girona one night. It would have deserved more.
The Old Town is wonderful.
Walkable Boundary walls, towers from which you can take a stunning look at the city and the surrounding nature, stairs between the green, few tourists.
On the way, still unaware of the beauty of the city, I meet Pablo from Lisbon asking for information. I have to disappoint ihm, I am just arrived. But he takes advantage of the situationn for asking where I come from, what I do there, how long I want to stay, all in 30 seconds, at least so it seems to me.
Without having the time to resist (then, after all, why? He is young and cute) Pablo embraces me, kisses me, invites me to drink with him a beer. I refuse and he quite pulls me by the arm.
“What are you going to do in Cordoba?”, he asks. “It’s very ugly”.

I hope it ist wrong. It will be so, fortunately. I’ll find it out only a couple of hours later.
I let him go on his way. His steps are so dynamic that he seems gallopimg, like a restless foal.
I follow my instinct and wander around the city without a goal, ready to be surprised. And the city surprises me completely. I promise to return.

I always say it when I like a place, but I never do it. I prefer to go explore places I still don’t know.
I am now in Cordoba and am happy to be there.

Maria Letizia Del Zompo

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)

By | 2017-07-22T09:01:12+00:00 July 6th, 2017|Photo gallery, Travel diary|0 Comments

About the Author:

Sono medico pediatra, ma da qualche tempo ho iniziato quella che chiamo la mia seconda vita e voglio dedicarla allo scrivere, oltre che alla vita stessa.

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